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Investor Relations


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Where are Noodles & Company's headquarters?

Noodles & Company's Central Support Office is located at:
520 Zang Street, Suite D
Broomfield, CO 80021

On which exchange is Noodles & Company traded and what is the ticker symbol?

Noodles & Company is traded on The NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol NDLS.

Who is the Noodles & Company transfer agent?

Equiniti Trust Company
1110 Centre Point Curve, Ste 101
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-4101

Can I buy shares of stock directly from Noodles & Company ?

No. Noodles & Company stock can only be purchased through your stockbroker.

Does Noodles & Company pay cash dividends?

No. Noodles & Company does not pay cash dividends at this time.

When is Noodles & Company fiscal year end?

Noodles & Company operates on a 52 or 53 week fiscal year ending on the Tuesday closest to December 31st.

How can I find out more about Noodles & Company press releases and other events?

You may subscribe to our Email Alerts under this Investor Relations section of our website.

What is Noodles & Company's Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and CUSIP number?

SIC: 5812 / CUSIP: 65540B 105

Who is Noodles & Company's independent registered accounting firm?

Ernst & Young LLP

Does Noodles & Company offer franchise opportunities?

Yes. Noodles & Company selectively franchises under Area Development Agreements. For more information on qualification criteria and available markets, visit

How can I contact Noodles & Company Investor Relations?

You may contact our Investor Relations department by writing to us at:
Noodles & Company
Attn: Investor Relations
520 Zang Street, Suite D
Broomfield, CO 80021

Or you may email Investor Relations at